Martyred Intellectuals Day observed: Rich tributes paid to martyrs

BSS, Rajshahi :
Various political, socio-cultural, volunteer organizations and educational institutions, including Rajshahi University and Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, observed the Martyred Intellectuals Day yesterday paying rich tribute to the martyrs.
In observance of the occasion, the organizations demanded completion of the trial process of the war-criminals and collaborators and execution of all other convicts awarded death sentences like Kader Mollah, Kamaruzzaman, Ali Ahsan Md Mujahid, Salauddin Kader Chowdhury, Matiur Rahman Nizami and Meer Kashem Ali.
As part of commemorating the martyred intellectuals, the groups chalked out various programmes which included placing wreaths at Shaheed Minar, photo exhibition, public gathering, discussion meeting and candle lighting on the mass graves throughout the day.
Local units of Bangladesh Awami League and its front organizations placed wreaths at Rajshahi College Shaheed Minar followed by a brief meeting highlighting significance of the day early in the morning.
Local unit of Workers Party of Bangladesh arranged a candle lighting programme at Bablaban’ mass-grave together with placing wreaths on the memorial plaque.
Meanwhile, Rajshahi University observed the day through daylong elaborate programmes which included placing wreaths at Shaheed Minar, discussion meeting, milad mahfil and probhat ferry.
RU VC Prof Mijanuddin, Pro-VC Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan, Treasurer Prof Sayen Uddin, Registrar Prof Entajul Haque and other teachers, officers and students placed wreaths at the Shaheed Minar yesterday morning.
Magnificent RU Shaheed Smrity Sangrahashala’ remained open for the visitors marking the day.
BSS from Khulna reports: People from all walks of life here yesterday observed the ‘Martyred Intellectuals Day’ paying rich tributes to the country’s golden sons and daughters, who were killed at the fag end of the War of Liberation in 1971, with a pledge to build the country following their ideals.
The countrymen commemorated the brutal killings day before the nation achieved its victory on December 16 after a bloody nine-month war against the Pakistani occupation forces.
Leaders and activists of different political and socio-cultural organizations, government, non-government organizations and educational institutions placed wreaths at the Gallamary Martyred Memorial in the city early yesterday morning.
The Day’s programme began with paying tributes by Khulna Muktijoddha Sangsad to the Gallamary Martyred Memorial at the first stroke of the night that ushered in the day.
Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party, JSD, CPB, vice-chancellors of Khulna University (KU) and Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna City Corporation, Khulna district administration, Khulna District Council, among others, also paid homage to the great sons of the country.
Khulna City and district units of Awami League (AL) organized a discussion at the party office in the city marking the day where lawmakers Begum Monnuzan Sufian, Talukder Abdul Khaleque, Mizanur Rahman Mizan and immediate past administrator of Khulna district council Sheikh-Harun-ur-Rashid, among others, addressed.
Khulna district administration, BNP, Jatiya Party, JSD, CPB, 1971: Genocide, Tortured and Archive Museum, KU, KUET, KCC, Khulna Press Club, Khulna Union of Journalists (KUJ) and other political and socio-cultural organizations organized discussion meetings marking the day.
BSS from Magura adds: The Martyred Intellectuals Day was observed in the town yesterday.
To mark the Day a one-minute silence was held at the conference room of the Deputy Commissioner of the district.
A discussion meeting was also arranged at the conference room. Deputy Commissioner Mahhabubur Rahman presided over the meeting while Additional Deputy Commissioner Azmol Haque, Additional Police Super Tariqul Islam, district freedom fighter commander Nobuot Ali were present among others.
The speakers said the Pakistani soldiers killed the bright sons of the soil on the eve of the Independence with the help of the notorious collaborators to make Bangladesh meritless.