Rice sale at Tk 10 per kg resumes Wednesday in Khulna

BSS, Khulna :
The rice selling at Taka 10 per kg resumes at 68 unions of nine upazila here on Wednesday as 83,944 extreme poor families can purchase the rice at fair price in current fiscal as part of government’s food friendly programme.
“Government to sell 2,518 tons of rice at Tk 10 per Kg among 83,944 destitute families in 2020-2021 fiscal year (FY) in Khulna that is going to restart on September 16,” district food controller Tanveer Ahmed said.
He said each family will receive 30 kg rice per month.
The rice sale programme at fair price is conducted for five months in a year, he said, adding that the months are September to November and March to April.
According to the district food office, a total of 173 dealers have been appointed to sell the rice. The government wants to provide food to the extreme poor families during the crisis period so that they do not suffer for food, Ahmed said.
“Punitive action will be taken against those if anyone is found involved with irregularities in selling fair price rice,” he added.
A dealer for every 500 families was appointed, he said, adding that the families headed by the widow or disabled women will be given priority in the programme.