Rice price drops in Bhairab – Ashuganj area


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
The government has given 47 companies to import 73,000 tonnes of rice as part of its ongoing effort to contain food prices in the local market. The rice mill owners are buying the minimum quality of paddy, they need to keep the mills running fearing that continuing to import rice from India till drive its prices lower.
Ashuganj –Bhairab Bazar are the major rice growing area in the north-eastern part of the country. In Kishoreganj ‘s Bhairab Port town and Ashuganj, International River Port of Brahmanbaria, the largest destination in the northeastern region of the country, the import of rice has come down to half. The price of paddy has also decreased by Tk 50 to Tk 60 per bag. This has also affected the rice market.
In the last one week, the price of rice per bag (50 kg) has decreased by about Tk 100. The rice market is decreasing as the government has taken initiatives to import rice from India to stabilize the rice market in the country. If the Indian rice import continues, the rice market will decrease further – the rice millers have reduced the purchase of paddy.
There is no water in canals and lakes, farmers are in trouble with jute in Rajshahi.
It has been found out on the ground that one lakh maunds of paddy is sold daily in the largest paddy market in the eastern part of the country located on the banks of Meghna river in Ashuganj International Port Town. In addition to Brahmanbaria, paddy produced in Haor areas of Kishoreganj, Netrakona, Sunamganj, Sylhet, Habiganj and Moulvibazar are brought to this location by boat.
Traders take 100 to 110 boats to sell paddy in Ashuganj – Bhairab markets every day, but now it has reduced to half. More than 40 to 50 boats of paddy are not coming to the market for the last one week due to the news of falling prices.
Due to the news of rice import from India, the sale of rice in Ashuganj Mokam is decreasing now. The price of paddy also decreased due to low sales. At Mokam now BR-29 paddy is being sold at Tk 1100 to 1120 per maund and coarse paddy is being sold at Tk 900-920. But a week ago, BR-29 rice was sold at Tk 1150 to 1170 per maund and coarse paddy at Tk 950 to Tk 970.
Meanwhile, due to the decrease in the price of paddy, the price of rice has also decreased in the market. BR-28 rice per sack (50 kg) is being wholesaled at Tk 2,450 and BR-29 is being sold at Tk 2,350 per sack (50 kg) from Ashuganj rice mills, down by Tk 100 during the week. If the import of Indian rice continues – then the price of domestic rice will decrease further.
Abu Taher came to sell rice from Habiganj., he said that the sale of rice has decreased due to the import of Indian rice. Fearing losses, paddy owners are buying less paddy. Due to this, the price of paddy has decreased by 40/50 taka per maund.
When contact to Chamber President in Kishoreganj told Mujibur Rahman Belal
 told the New Nation that, Sale of rice has decreased in Ashauganj and Bhairab markets . If the import of Indian rice continues, the sale of rice in Ashuganj Mokam will further decrease.
Chatal Mill Owners Association leader Md. Ubaidollah said, the chatals are closing day by day. Since the government allowed the import of rice from India, businessmen have reduced their purchases of paddy and rice. 100 takas per bag (50 kg) of rice due to import of Indian rice. Daily.
