Holy Ramzan: Revive tradition of research

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Literacy, education, and research in different spheres of knowledge leads a nation to rise. The Muslim history is an example of this. Once the Muslims dominated the globe as they were enlightened with the tradition of seeking
knowledge and research. They reached the peak of civilisation through this best medium.
We should, thus, in this holy month of the Revelation of Al Quran, put our attention to the first revealed verse of the Divine Message : ” Proclaim ! (or Read)/ In the name/ Of thy Lord and Cherisher,/ Who created – /Created man, out of/ a (mere) clot/ Of congealed blood:/ Proclaim !: And thy Lord/ Is most Bountiful,–/ He Who taught/ (The use of) the pen…”
Allama Yusuf Ali in his Holy Quran : Translation and Commentary writes : ” Iqra may mean ‘read’, or ‘recite or rehearse’, or ‘proclaim aloud’, the object understood being God’s Message”. “…The Arabic words for ‘teach’ and ‘knowledge’ are from the same root. It is impossible to produce in a Translation the complete orchestral harmony of the words for ‘read’, ‘teach’, ‘pen’ (which implies reading, writing books, study, research), ‘knowledge’ (including science, self-knowledge, spiritual understanding) and ‘proclaim’, an alternative meaning of the word for ‘to read’ ……. ” “And this kind of comprehensive meaning, as we have seen, runs throughout the Holy Quran- for those who will understand.”
This analysis makes it clear that knowledge with reading, writing and research is an obligation for all Muslims, The Holy Quran advises us to pray : “O my Lord, advance me in knowledge.”
Rasulullah (Sm) said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim male and female.”
He says ” Allah shows the way of Paradise to him who travels in search of knowledge.”
We should go deep into the message of learning and research and revive our glorious culture of seeking knowledge for a better life here in this world and Hereafter.
According to the verse of Al-Quran, the importance, significance and superiority of Holy Ramzan lies in the fact that Al-Quran itself was revealed in this month. Ramzan thus bears a special place in the Islamic calendar.
Recitation (tilawat) of the Holy Quran is a great virtue. It is more virtuous in this month. There is a Hadith in the Sahih Bukhari that Rasulullah (Sm) used to recite the Holy Quran more and more in this month in comparison with other months. He said, “……. whoever recites an ayat (verse) from the Holy Quran (in Ramzan) will receive a similar reward as the one who recites the whole Holy Quran in other months.”
“He said. ” ….. .Invoke your Lord in right earnest with hearts that are free of sin and evil, to enable you to fast and to recite His Book (Al-Quran).” (Prophet’s Sermons : Uyun Akhbar Al-Ridha)
Imam Baqir (R) says, “Everything has a spring time and the spring-time of the Holy Quran is the month of Ramzan.”
The Holy Quran has oceanic treasures of gems-unique message for the Muslims and the humanity. It needs to be pondered and discovered. We should recite the verses and also try to go deep into treasures of the Holy Quran.