Revenue collection rise over 14pc in July-Oct period

BSS, Dhaka :
The revenue collection showed comparatively stronger strength in the first four months of the current 2014-15 financial year (FY15) with 14.24 percent growth over the amount collected during the same period of 2013-14 financial year (FY14).
The National Board of Revenue (NBR) data showed that the revenue authorities collected Taka 38,005 crore and 81 lakh during July-October period of the FY15, which was 14.24 percent up from Taka 33,269 crore and 17 lakh of the same period of the past fiscal year.
The NBR attributed the revenue growth largely to a rising trend in the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) as the country’s trade and business had been performing well, supported by stable political environment.
Projecting a 25 percent growth, the NBR targeted revenue collection at Taka 1, 49, 720 crore in the FY15, which include income tax of Taka 57, 500 crore, Vat of Taka 55,580 crore and customs duty of Taka 36, 680 crore.