Responsibility Of Us During Coronavirus Disaster


Taslim Ahammad :
axBeing socially responsible shows both social awareness and self-management skills for it; we must have the awareness of how our decisions affect others. We should well aware of what is happening in the society. Someone/more are responsible for every war, whether it is in the east or west. Some people are responsible for the confusion, misery, epidemic and ugliness going on in the world.
Social responsibility means that individuals and companies have a duty to care and act in the best interests of the society as a whole. Individual social responsibility (ISR) can include volunteering time, giving money, and standing up for issues or epidemics that affect others.
Social responsibility principles, such as accountability and transparency, can help ensure the long-term viability and success to any society. It is an ethical theory, in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling the civic duty; the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. If this equilibrium is maintained, then social responsibility is accomplished. The theory started from Europe and took a shape with the commission on the freedom of press that happened in United States in 1949. The model was designed formally by Siebert, Peterson and Schramm in 1956 in their book. There are some levels of social responsibility: economics, or the responsibility of the business to be profitable; the responsibility to meet the legal obligations – businesses must comply with the law and regulations; companies have a responsibility to act ethically and morally and to choose the action that causes the least, if any, harm; and finally, philanthropic is the idea that businesses should give back, either in time, money, or goods, to the community in which they serve.
Some people are responsible for everything that is happening in the world at present. These are not unrelated incidents, however, are related. The real cause of this untimely death lies in someone/group. Because some people are communalistic, encourage the spirit of division through property, poverty, caste, ideology, colour, race, religions, groups and leadership. When a so-called nation is made up of separate groups, each seeking power, position, authority, intrigue, wealth, they may be bound to produce not one person’s death, thousands and millions of deaths. This touches the fundamental issue of whether human beings can exist in identified isolation; which history has shown over and over again is destruction to civilisation.
People are not separate from the crisis; whatever happens, a nation or to a group of people is happening to each one of us. People ought to be fully aware and deliberately conscious of our thoughts and feelings. If all actions persuade us and we are not aware of the causes of the events, we shall be merely carried away by them. Actions are occurring with extraordinary rapidity, locally and worldwide, and their impact is so very strong and fierce, it behaves us to be extraordinarily clear in our thoughts, and fundamental in our feelings, because the stronger the action, the greater the mess, intensity, turmoil and chaos within us. Some actions close-by naturally upset and disturb many, hence, we should have strong feelings, strong emotions, unwrapped and purposeful, because without any feeling one is dead. Therefore, we must be able to bring significance to the issues that we are facing badly.
As a teacher, our social responsibility is very high and important. A teacher can influence what the students talk about, how they think and what they become. It is our job, as teacher, to provide a nurturing, welcoming and safe learning environment for actual all students. It is very important that as teachers, we take very seriously the influence that we have with our student. A teacher has the power to influence student conversations, their thinking and even where they set their standards for themselves. Our students need to know that their dreams should not stop at the classroom only. We should make sure the confidence in them to reach for the stars and accomplish their goals. We need to build our students skills, so they will be successful next grade level. Our actual student’s future is in our hands. Therefore, it is very important for us to our very best in reaching every actual student and preparing them for their future.
Writer has the social responsibility, not lousy; true, not false; lively, not dull; accurate, not full of error. If writer use brain for proper thought, find out about things, and after that write well about it. The writing always judged by the reader, and the writer can have no influence on it.
Journalists educate the public about events and issues and how they affect their lives. Hence, most important social responsibility of any journalist is to be fearlessly and truly expresses/write about what wrong going in society, and then it may be against any person, organisation, religious faith, religion, festivals or any action. Also, journalist should show only truth no exaggerate in any stories, article or news for the society.
Doctor, who is assigned with a large quantity of resources for the treatment, has a huge social responsibility for optimising the treatment, auditing the outcome, and where possible, preventing the illness or epidemic, like coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
From all individuals on crisis or epidemic eras, a noble social responsibility may shield the society from catastrophe. It must focuses on the role of an individual/ social workers, who have a social, moral and ethical massive responsibility to protect the society and the humanity.
We are human beings, burdened with all the problems of every other human being, whether in Asia, Africa, Australia, Europeor America. However, if as a human being, understand the whole structure of our society and way of life, with its problems and everything else, then there is freedom from any destruction. Hence, we must help the society, in particular at the epidemic times.
(Taslim Ahammad, Chairman, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj, Bangladesh)
