Resist those who want to push country into darkness: PM

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday urged the country’s people to keep vigil round the clock and put up a strong resistance against those who want to push the country into darkness again from the path of development through their destructive activities.
“I request people to stay alert and resist those who want to plunge the country into darkness again from the path of development,” she said.
The Prime Minister said, this while inaugurating the four-day fair, ‘Digital World 2015’, at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC).
Sheikh Hasina said Bangladesh often faces natural and manmade disasters and the country has been passing through a manmade disaster for the last one month. “Inshallah, we’ll be able to overcome the calamities.”
About the killing of people in the name of politics, she said. “This is not a politics at all… It’s hard to believe how one can kill people through arson attacks. Those committing this are enemies of humanity, people and the country,” Hasina said.
She also called upon all to be vocal against such destructive activities in the name of politics as the people of the country do not want this. “Those who have created this obstacle to the path of  
development never wanted the country’s progress.” The ICT Division and Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services-BASIS in collaboration with several IT organisations organised the Digital World-2015 with the theme of ‘Future is here’.
It is the fourth mega ICT event featuring various impressive technological advancements of the country to showcase technology-based innovations and achievements, and is expected to help strengthen economic potential of the IT sector.
Eighty-five IT experts alongside officials, policymakers, business leaders and entrepreneurs from 25 countries are attending the country’ s largest ICT exposition.
A total of 137 stalls, including 44 public and 93 private ones as well as 22 pavilions, have been set up at the fair.
Talking about her government’s vision 2021 to build ‘Digital Bangladesh’, the Prime Minister said the aim of her government is to ensure the socioeconomic development of people and improve their lifestyle using ICTs.
Hasina mentioned that her government reduced the price of Internet bandwidth to Tk 2,800 in 2014, which was Tk 76,000 in 2007.