PM on UZ polls: Resist terrorism to ensure smooth voting

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday urged the people to resist acts of terrorism so as to exercise their voting rights peacefully in the ongoing upazila parishad elections.
“I call upon the people of the country to resist any kind of terrorist act to enable the voters exercise their franchise peacefully,” she said replying to a supplementary question of MA Awal (Laxmipur-1) during the PM’s question hour in Parliament.
The Leader of the House also called upon the people to remain alert and say no to the terrorists and militants. “Reject the terrorists and militants,” she said, adding that the role of the mass people is very important in this respect.
She said that, the government has taken necessary steps and would continue its efforts so that no terrorist act could occur during the ongoing 4th upazila parishad elections across the country.
Hasina said that although the law enforcement agencies remain under the Election Commission during the polls, but necessary steps would be taken so that law and order situation remains under control during the ongoing upazila parishad elections.
In this connection, she slammed the BNP-Jamaat alliance for their attempts to foil the January 5 election, alleging that they have damaged and set fire to some 448 primary schools and over 250 secondary schools and other educational institutions as polling centers apart from killing policemen and common people through their terrorist and militant acts.
The Prime Minister thanked the country’s people for voting for her party in the last election braving all obstacles.
Taking a swipe at the BNP-Jamaat, he said: “The character of BNP-Jamaat is to patronize the terrorists and militants, which is very unfortunate for the people of Bangladesh.”
Hasina also said that the intelligence agencies alongside the law enforcement agencies would keep vigil to nab the identified terrorists and criminals in Laxmipur and other parts of the country to avert untoward incidents during the ongoing polls.
Replying to another supplementary question from Sirajul Akbar (Magura-1), she said that when the two parties like BNP, established by a military dictator, and Jamaat, cohorts of the Pakistani occupation forces, join hands then peace and security will never prevail in the lives of people.
“But, since Awami League is an organisation that belongs to the country’s mass people, whenever Awami League assumes office, it’s goal only remains to uphold the spirit of the war of liberation; it looks to ensure election taking place freely and fairly, democratic norms are established and the people could caste their votes freely.”
She said: “During the tenure of the Awami League government, each and every election was held in a free, fair and neutral manner in all tiers while efforts will continue to ensure all elections to be held in a free and fair manner.”
Referring to Sirajul Akbar’s question of possible government steps to isolate the BNP-Jamaat from the nation, the Prime Minister said: “If the BNP-Jamaat does not change their character what could the Awami League do?”
She, however, said: “But, the people of Bangladesh could do many things. If they create public opinion and reject them (BNP-Jamaat), it would be possible. We’ll always remain beside the people and extend all-out cooperation.”