Reopening of educational institutions an urgent task of govt


When inoculation of covid-19 vaccine to all students needs to get top priority for opening residential halls and classes of educational institutions, Dhaka University authorities have taken a decision to conduct dope tests on students. A syndicate meeting on Tuesday chaired by DU Vice Chancellor Dr Md Akhtaruzzaman took the decision and a committee was formed making Dhaka Medical College Principal Dr Titu Miah its convener. It’s a good decision indeed. We don’t argue on this point. But one thing which disturbs us very much is why taking such a decision has become so urgent when academic classes are closed for about two years.
We’re not surprised at all that Bangladesh has scored another world record for keeping schools closed for third longest possible days. According to a UNICEF data, Panama has kept schools closed for the most days, followed by El Salvador, Bangladesh, and Bolivia. Getting globally third position for not opening educational institutions may be counted as a big achievement for the government when all other sectors – from garment factories to shopping malls and restaurants to public transports – are open for mass gathering. Our children are going to picnic spots, parks, zoos, relative’s houses without any harm but they aren’t allowed to go to schools. What a contradictory decision it is! Most countries of the world opened schools despite pandemic, and shut them when Covid infection rose. They did never stop educational institutions indefinitely.
Recently, the government has announced that educational institutions would be reopened in phases from this month (September). Several times we heard such announcements. But this time, we want to keep trust in the government’s word. Students have already lost almost two academic years, which is irreparable. In the meantime, the Education Ministry has miserably failed to devise any sustainable alternative method to continue their education of students. Online education couldn’t connect all the students across the country, especially in rural areas due to lack of internet connection and lack of access to smart devices.
