Victory Day celebrated: Renewed vow to build prosperous , non-communal country with spirit of Liberation War

MADHUKHALI (Faridpur): Students of Madhukhali Pilot High School attended a display on the occasion of the Victory Day on Saturday.
MADHUKHALI (Faridpur): Students of Madhukhali Pilot High School attended a display on the occasion of the Victory Day on Saturday.
National Desk :
The Victory Day was celebrated in different districts on Saturday with a renewed vow for building Bangladesh as a happy, prosperous and non-communal country with spirit of the Liberation War . Different organizations observed the Day through various programmes . Our Correspondents and agencies report :
Barisal Correspondent says : The day-long and three-day long programmes to observe 46th anniversary of victory ended in Barisal on Saturday calling for rejecting anti-liberation forces in all spheres of life to remove the stigma surrounding the nation.
 Barisal Reporters Unity (BRU) arranged day-long eleventh exhibition about facts, photos, documents and books on liberation war at Ansar VDP range office in Bagobandhu Udyan premises on occasion of Victory Day patronized by district administration.
It was inaugurated by Md.Shahiduzzaman, divisional commissioner and Habibur Rahman, deputy commissioner of Barisal and attended by leading freedom fighters, local elites, and BRU officials on Saturday morning. This exceptional exhibition drawn attentions of a huge number of spectators, visitor, specially the freedom fighters and young generation. Documentary film show on history of Bangladesh was shown there. Barisal Sangskritik Sangothan Samanya Parishad (BSSSP), an alliance of the 26 major cultural organizations of the city, arranged the three-day programmes of discussion meetings, recitations, songs, dances, dramas and staging cultural performances at Barisal Central Shaheed Minar.
Barisal Islamia College also arranged exhibition on facts and documents from on liberation war, cultural function, discussion in the college presided over by Mohsin Ul Islam Habul, principal of the college on Victory day morning.
The other programmes to celebrate Victory Day 2017 in the city also included paying flower tributes at the alters of the martyrs in the mass killing ground (Baddhya Bhumi) and martyrs memorial board ( Shaheed Smriti Falok) from early hours to late morning of the Day.
The District Administration, Muktijoddha Sangsad also arranged discussion, reception party of the freedom fighters, family members of the martyred on this occasion.
Khulna Correspondent says: The 47th Victory Day was celebrated in Khulna city and at nine upazilas of the district on Saturday paying rich tributes to the martyrs who sacrificed their valuable lives for freeing the country from the Pakistani Occupation forces in 1971 and also paying homage to the women who were brutally tortured, violated and killed during the Liberation War for freedom of the country. Marking the day, different organizations including government, non-government, autonomous bodies, political parties, professional bodies and institutions arranged different programs.
The Day was heralded by 31 gun salutes at 12.01 am on Saturday at Khulna police Lines ground.
Khulna Divisional Commissioner Md. Lokman Hossain Mia hoisted at Khulna Divisional Stadium ground and took salute from the parade. A discussion meeting and reception to the freedom fighters were held at the conference room of the Deputy Commissioner (DC) of Khulna.
National flags were hoisted atop all public and private buildings at dawn and people from all walks of life placed wreaths at Gallamari monument on the day.
Special prayers were offered at mosques, temples, churches and other religious institutions, seeking divine blessings , peace and progress for the country.
Improved diets were served at hospitals, orphanages and jail on the Day.
Colorful victory rallies were brought out in the city which paraded the main streets.
Khulna University (KU). Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna Shishu Academy, Khulna Press Club, Khulna Union Of Journalist (KUJ), 1971: Genocide and Torture Archive Museum and different socio-cultural organizations including Sammilito Sangskritik Jote, Daulatpur unit observed different programs marking the day. BSCIC’s Khulna office organized two day handicraft fair at Khulna Public Hall, located at city’s Shibbari Intersection.
Bagerhat Correspondent reports: The 47th Victory Day was celebrated in Bagerhat district town and its nine upazilas through various programmes and huge enthusiasm and festivity on December 16 paying rich tributes to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to free their motherland during the nine-month bloody war against the Pakistani occupation forces in 1971.
This year, the people took part in Victory Day’ s programme amid a jubilant mood as most of the war criminals, especially top ranking leaders of Jamat-e-Islam have already been executed for their ‘crimes against humanity’. The day’s programme heralded with 31 gun salutes at dawn. It was followed with the hoisting of national flag atop all public and private buildings.
The scores of political, socio-cultural, volunteer professional bodies, educational institutions, trade organisations, human rights, NGOs and other organizations placed floral wreaths at Muktijoddha Shahid Minar at Dashiani square. Tappan Kumar Biwas, Deputy Commissioner (DC), Bagerhat and Pankaj Chandra Roy, Police Super, Bagerhat placed floral wreaths on the Shahid Minar on be half of Bagerhat district administration and police administration respectively. Al-haj Dr. Mozammel Hossain, MP of Bagerhat Constituency-4 and President of Bagerhat district unit of Bangladesh Awami League placed the floral wreaths at Muktijoddha Shaid Minar on behalf of Bagerhat district Awami League. Bagerhat Press Club, Bagerhat Bar Association, Sachetan Nagarik Committee (SANAC), Bagerat of TIB (Transparency International Bangladesh), Muktijoddha Sangsad, Bagerhat Govt. P C College also placed floral wreaths on the Muktijoddha Shahid Minar on the occasion.
Staff Reporter from Kishoreganj says: The 47th Victory Day was celebrated in Kishoreganj on Saturday to pay rich tributes to martyrs who had sacrificed their lives to free their motherland during the nine month bloody war was against Pakistani occupation forces in 1971.
This year the Victory Day celebration has reached a new height as UNESCO on October 30 recongnised the Bangabandhu’s historic March 7 speech as a world documentary heritage.
Three million people secrificed their lives while two lakh women lost their honour fro the country’s independence in 1971.
Kishoreganj District Administration, Pourashava, rulling Awami League, BNP, Jasod, Ganatantree Party, Gono-Forum, NAP, C.P.B, B.S.D and many other organisations chalked out celebrated the Vicotry Day here in a befiting manner.
The programmes include a 31 gun salute, placing of wheaths and local monoment of the martyred, hosting of the national flags a top all public and private building, decorating town streets with national flages and colourfull posters.
A victory rally was brought out in the town led by D.C Md. Azimuddin Biswas, Police Super Anower Hossain Khan, Poura Mayor Md. Pervaz Miah and Ex. Freedom Fighter Unit Commander Md. Asad Ullah.
A discussion meeting and reception was held at Local Art Council Hall on the day. Deputy Commissioner Md. Azimuddin Biswas presided over the function.
It was addressed among others by Police Super Md. Anowar Hossain Khan, Zila Parished CEO Shibir Bicitra Barua, ADC (Gen) Torafdar Akhter Jamil, ADM Alamgir Hossain, Sadar UNO Abdullah Al Masud, Poura Mayor Md. Pervaz Miah, District Awami League President Adv Kamrul Ahsan Shajahan, Secretary Adv M.A. Afzol, Ex. Freedom Fighter Unit Commander Md. Asad Ullah, PP Adv Shah Azizul Hoque, Ganatantree Presidium Member Adv Dolon Bhowmik, Sadar Upazila Awami League President Adv Ataur Rahman, Poura Mohila College Principal Sharif Sadi, Freedom Fighter Anwar Kamal and freedom fighter Abdul Mannan.
A cultural function was held at Local Art Council Hall on Saturday evening.
Saidpur(Nilphamari) Correspondent says: Saidpur Upazila Administration and Saidpur Railway observed the Victory Day in separate programmes Saidpur Upazila Administration arranged the programmes at Stadium ground. The main attraction of programme of the Day was the reception accorded to the freedom fighters. The other programmes were parade and colorful display of the students of different school, college and various organizations. At the ceremony, Whip of the Opposition and Member of Parliament, Nilphamari-4 was the Chief Guest and took the salute at the parade.
Saidpur Upazila Chairman Moksedul Momin, Upazila Executive Officer (UNO) Bazlur Rashid, Assistant Commissioner (Land) Parimal Kumar Sarker, Saidpur Police Station Officer-in-Charge Shahjahan Ali were present at the ground. Police, Ansar, Rover Scout, Girl’s Guide, students of different educational institutions took part in the parade and display. The entire stadium was decorated with red-green color clothes and other materials which created the environment of the great day.