Appointment of berth operator Saif Power Tec: Removal of Shipping Minister, CPA chairman demanded

Chittagong Bureau :
Bandar Rakkha Parishad- BRP( Port Protection Council) of Chittagong launched movement against irregularities and corruption of Chittagong Port Authority(CPA) for long regarding illegal appointment of berth operator Saif Power Tec .
 With this context, a special team of Anti -Corruption Commission announced their proposed enforcement of investigation as per directives of the Prime Minister on 10 subjects of the port which was published in different media recently.
To foil the movement of the BRP against the Port Authority, a number of officials including CBA Vice President Mohammad Ali Minto were suspended from service by CPA recently with the instigation of vested quarters which proves that role of CPA is not transparent, conscious circles observed.
This was disclosed at the representative meeting of Jatiya Sramik League , Chittagong unit held at its Darul Fazal Market office premises in city on Sunday last with Acting President Habibur Rahman in the chair.
Labour Affairs Secretary Abdul Ahad of JSL was present as Chief Guest.
 The speakers in the meeting said the mafia gang wont be relieved from the allegations of corruptions and misdeeds through abuse of labour laws and mental tortures to supended workers and employees.
 The meeting also called upon the CPA chairman to withdraw illegal orders of suspension of CBA officials immediately. The meeting also demanded removal of the concerned port minister and the CPA chairman and warned the CPA for next tougher movement against alleged corruptions and irregularities in port.
The speakers also reiterated their pledge to comply any directives of the Convenor of BRP and City AL President ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury against the conspiracy of ruining the port and save the port from the hands of the vested clutches , sources said.
BRP is launching movement against the illegal appointment of Saif Power tec as NCT operator violating the govt procurement policy following the directives of the minister and the concerned parliamentary standing committee .