Remittance cash incentive 5 more categories of income included


Economic Reporter :
Overseas employees will enjoy a 2.5% cash incentive if they send five categories of service benefits in the form of remittance through formal channels.
The categories are retirement benefits such as pension funds, provident funds, leave salary, bonus and other gratuities, and retirement benefits paid by employers, according to a Bangladesh Bank (BB) notice. The expatriates earlier did not have to state the source of income under the categories while sending remittances but the BB has instructed banks to ensure the source of funds before extending the cash incentive.
According to a BB official: “Remittance has been one of the major economic lifelines for the country, as the country’s import is much higher than its export earnings, so the latest move will help increase the flow of remittances which are facing a downward trend.”
According to the central bank sources, no other specific clauses have been included in the Finance Ministry’s guideline on the incentive but some banks have recently wanted to know more about the details of the clauses. Bangladesh Bank had requested the Finance Ministry to clarify the issue.
Subsequently, the Finance Ministry included the categories in the list of beneficiaries. On January 20, a BB circular asked banks to confirm the authenticity of the income sources of the remittances based on evidence and must convert the foreign currency into Taka.
Under the previous rules, the banks were allowed to give cash incentives against remittance of $1,500 without verifying any document.
