Remand hearing of Pinak-6 owner deferred

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A Munshiganj court has rescheduled the hearing on a police plea to take Abu Bakar Siddique, the owner of the ill-fated passenger ferry, Pinak-6, into their custody for interrogation.
Siddique was presented before Munshiganj Judicial Magistrate’s Court on Thursday. The court, after a partial hearing, sent him to
 jail and rescheduled the hearing for Monday. “Abu Bakar was presented before the court on Thursday. We wanted to take him into police custody for seven days,” said Munshiganj’s Louhajang Police Station OC Tofazzal Hossain.
Siddique was arrested by RAB from Chittagong on early Wednesday. He was handed over to Louhajang Police the same day.
Passenger ferry, Pinak-6 sank on Aug 4 with over 200 passengers on board in the river Padma, while it was cruising from Madaripur’s Kawrakandi to Munshiganj’s Mawa.
The shipping ministry formed a seven-member probe committee the same day, which started recording statements of witnesses from Monday.
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) filed a case over the disaster against six people, including Abu Bakar and his employees who were managing the ferry.
Authorities abandoned the Pinak search on Aug 11 after failing to trace the launch even eight days after the accident.
According to official figures, 46 bodies have been recovered from the downstream of the river in different districts and 61 people are still missing.
