Remain careful against any conspiracy to snatch public peace : PM

BSS, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Thursday urged the countrymen to remain careful so that no evil force can destroy the peace and happiness from the life of the people.
“People are living in peace and happiness. We have to remain careful so that no evil force can snatch the peace and happiness,” she said in her valedictory address in the twenty-first session (Budget Session) of the 10th Jatiya Sangsad here in the House.
The Leader of the House said her party came to power with the mandate of people, having the opportunity to work for the people. If people think that they didn’t commit any wrong by giving us votes they will give us votes again in the next election to continue the ongoing development, she said.
The Prime Minister said, the government has given the budget of 2018-2019 fiscal taking into account the problems of every group, profession and class aimed at building a beautiful country. If people give us votes then we would go ahead with the pace of development, she added.
Sheikh Hasina said, her government had to come across a long way amid many difficulties and foil orchestrated conspiracy to reach to the present state. Many people had to lay their lives and many people became crippled for life time to make the democracy sustainable.
The prime minister hoped that Bangladesh would not lose its road to development in the coming days and go ahead amid all adversities to materialize the dream of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Leader of the House extended her thanks to the Opposition members for their lively presence and constructive role in making the parliament functional, maintaining a decent atmosphere and bringing out the House from the culture of malpractices.

“The present parliament constituted through the election in 2014 has set an example of constructive parliamentary practice in the country,” the Prime Minister said.
Pointing out her government’s decision to give shelter to more than 1.1 million forcely displaced Rohingyas from Myanmar, the prime minister said the whole world has acclaimed the decision, which is a big achievement for the country.
Sheikh Hasina said, no country now can neglect Bangladesh and they acknowledged that the development of Bangladesh is getting the shape of sustainability.
Sheikh Hasina said, the prime and foremost priority of her government is to ensure welfare of the people as people have given her the mandate to constitute the government.
She said, her government has ensured food security of the people and taken step for reaching food to the extreme poor through VGF and VGD programmes and other methods. Side by side the government has ensured nutrition security of the people, resulting in increasing life expectancy of the people, she told the House.
The Prime Minister said, her government has attached utmost importance to education and reached the healthcare services to the doorstep of the people and enlarged the social safety net to alleviate poverty.
Reiterating her government’s commitment to reach electricity to every house the prime minister said transmission lines are being constructed to ensure hundred percent coverage of electricity.
Highlighting her government’s stride to reach the medical services to the people the prime minister said the government has put in place a Medicare system to facilitate every people getting treatment.
“But, it’s now turned into a fashion for a group of people to go abroad for treatment, despite having the same facility in the country. The government has established many specialized institutions for treatment in addition to recruitment of doctors and specialized nurses, she said.
Sheikh Hasina said her government is working for people of all classes. The salaries of the government employees has been increased about 123 percent while arrangement were taken for their better housing and other facilities all over the country.
The Prime Minister said, 100 Specialized Economic Zones (SEZs) are being established for creating employment opportunity particularly in the areas like Cumilla, Nilphamari, and Ishwardi where youths have limited scope of jobs.
Sheikh Hasina said, her government has allocated highest budget for infrastructure development as no development work can be sustainable without infrastructure facilities.
About the movement for reforming quota system from civil services the prime minister said the government has formed a committee to look into the matter. But, the rampage of a section of students in the name of movement is not acceptable, she said adding that it’s not a movement but rowdiness.
“The culprits involve in destruction of the residence of VC and other properties of the university were traced out from cctv footage and none of those culprits would be spared,” she said.
About her plan to build a planned Dhaka city the prime minister said all roads of the city built on culverts and canals would be demolished to revive the water flows and if necessary flyovers would be constructed over the canals.
Sheikh Hasina hold responsible all military regimes for destroying the beauty of the Dhaka city and nature.
