PM asks armed forces: Remain alert to protect Constitution


UNB, Ramu (Cox’s Bazar) :Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday asked the armed forces to always remain alert like other forces of the country to protect the sacred constitution and maintain the continuation of democracy braving any threat.”Like other forces, the armed forces will have to remain alert always to protect the sacred constitution of the country and maintain continuation of the democracy facing any threat,” she said.The Prime Minister was addressing the Darbar marking the flag-raising of the Headquarters 10 Infantry Division and its subordinate brigades and units here at Ramu cantonment.The Prime Minister was speaking at the flag-raising ceremony of the headquarters of the 10 Infantry Division of Bangladesh Army and subordinate brigades and units here.Sheikh Hasina also expressed her firm stance against militancy and terrorism and vowed to contain these evil elements at any cost, urging all to remain aware. “We all have to remain aware so that militancy and terrorism cannot grow in the country in any way. We’re committed to resisting militancy and terrorism at any cost.”Discipline and peace are needed to move forward the development programmes, the Prime Minister said adding, “But, activities like terrorism and militancy sometimes not only interrupted the development programmes, but also demonstrated threats to integrity, and peace and discipline.”Terming the Bangladesh Army, which has been emerged through the Liberation War, is the part and parcel of the people of this country, Hasina said the army will remain with people in thefuture when necessary as in the past. “We have had your cooperation in the past for serving people. This is my firm belief that army will be with people in the future when it will be needed,” she said.In this connection, Sheikh Hasina, also in charge of the Defense Ministry, said the government will always do whatever necessary for development of the army.She said, people expect that the army personnel of the new division will always remain alert to ensure the harmony of the responsible area, development and non-communal coexistence. “I’m expressing my firm commitment to do whatever needed in the future for a modern and skilful army.”The Prime Minister hoped that the army personnel will perform their respective duties maintaining mutual trust, sympathy and fraternity on senior officers, putting discipline above everything.Sheikh Hasina also said the new division of the army will play a vital role in protecting the natural resources of this area alongside defending the South Eastern region of the country and working for development.Describing various development activities taken by her government for the welfare of the country and its people, she said the government wants to build a educated and operational nation to advance the country. In this connection, she said today Bangladesh is not dependent on others as it is constructing the Padma Bridge with its own fund.Terming Islam a religion of peace, the Prime Minister said killing people driven by religious fanaticism is the worst evil deed. “I request all to remain aware about these evil elements and get united.”She also mentioned that people want peace and the government also wants to run the country as per the people’s aspiration.Army Chief General Iqbal Karim Bhuiyan delivered the address of welcome at the programme.Earlier, the Prime Minister raised the flag of the newly formed 10 Infantry Division.At the same function, flags of the newly formed one Artillery and one Infantry Brigade, two infantry battalion and one artillery regiment were also raised by the special guests.She also released balloons on the occasion.
