Religious leaders urged to take due role in establishing peace

BSS, Dhaka :
An international summit ended in Seoul calling religious leaders across the world for taking due role in establishing peace and harmony among multi-faith people and societies, according to a release received here on Friday.
“Religious leaders have to become the just and righteous scale measuring all religious scriptures. Everything that religious leaders discuss must clearly be based on what is written in the scripture, which needs to be comprehensively analyzed and studied for the true alliance of religions,” said Man Hee Lee, Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL).
Under UNESCO, the organisation arranged the annual World Alliance Religions’ Peace (WARP) Summit in the capital city of Republic of Korea from September 17-19. Around 300 religious leaders participated in the summit to promote harmony among religions.
Addressing the concluding day of the summit, Man Hee Lee stressed on the role of the religious leaders in the current global situation and the importance of their mission for world peace.
He urged religious leaders to take the lead in realising religious reconciliation and religious peace through communication.
At the three-day summit participants addressed the need for establishing peace through the combined efforts of governments and civil society organisations.
A Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW) was also adopted at the summit, advocating international cooperation for global peace and appealing to the participants for inventing peace-specific policy for the legal foundation of promoting peace.
At summit, representatives of women’s organisations from 53 countries also shared the role of women leaders in the enactment of the effective international law for peace.
Since the first event in 2014, the WARP Summit has opened the door for peace messengers across the globe to come together and unite for the single cause of sustainable world peace.
