Relief materials distributed in Bandarban

Bandarban Correspondent :
The district unit of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society distributed cash money and relief materials among around 200 families. They were affected due to the recent cyclone ‘Komen’ and the hill slide here.
In this connection, a relief distribution ceremony was held at the Bangabandhu Mukto Mancha in the district town on Friday.
As per the initiative, each of the families got Tk 3,000, medicines and a tent.
State Minister for Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs Bir Bahadur Ushwe Sing, MP, distributed the relief materials as chief guest.
Among others, Chairman of Bandarban Hill District Council Kyo Shwe La Marma, Secretary of Red Crescent’s Bandarban District Unit A K M Jahangir and public representatives of different areas were also present.
Besides, more than 400 families would be brought under the relief programme in turns, the concerned officials said.