Relief distributed among flood affected people in Nageshwari, Kulaura


Staff Reporter,Rangpu :

To stand beside the flood-hits people Plan International Bangladesh has distributed food and non-food items among the flood-affected families in Kachakata and Ballaberkhash unions of Nageswari Upazila of Kurigram district recently.
5560 packets of dry food, 1,00,000 water purification tablets, 1840 Non-Food Items (NFI), and 1820 Menstrual Health Management (MHM) kits have been distributed during the first phase of the response.
Mahidev Jubo Somaj Kallayan Somity is supporting Plan International Bangladesh as a partner in implementing this programme.
Ashik Billah, Head of Central & Northern Region of Plan International Bangladesh, Shyamal Chandra Sarker, Deputy Director of MJSKS, Shahadat Hossain Chairman of Kachakata Union Parishad, and SM Abdur Razzak, Chairman of Ballaberkash Union Parishad, were present at the distribution point.
Moulvibazar Correspondent adds: Former MP and Thikana Group of Chairman MM Shahin distributed relief among the flooded people at various shelters in Kulaura. He distribute relief goods at Rabeya Adarsh Government Primary School, BH Government Primary School in Kulaura Municipal Area on Monday.
Yakub Tajul Mahila Degree College, Mahtochin Ali School and College of Kadipur Union, Chakapan School and College, Kadirpur Government Primary School, Hashimpur Madrasa, Uchail Government Primary School provided relief assistance to the people living in the shelter. Meanwhile, MM Shahin inquired about the flood victims. He said it is difficult to understand how horrible the image of Kulaura was in the floods without seeing it with one’s own eyes.
