Relatives being barred from meeting Khaleda: Rizvi

Staff Reporter :
BNP Senior Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed on Wednesday accused the government of reportedly barring relatives of the party Chairperson Khaleda Zia from meeting her in jail.
Talking to The New Nation, he voiced deep
 concern over Khaleda Zia’s falling health condition.
He said, some of Khaleda’s relatives, including her sister Selima Islam, went to meet her at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and Hospital.
Rizvi said, relatives of the BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia have not been able to meet her for a long time. The last meeting of relative was on August 30.
“An application signed by Khaleda Zia’s sister Selima Islam reached the jail authorities on September 11. Later, the jail authorities were given multiple phone calls by the relatives and the Chairperson’s Private Secretary ABM Abdus Sattar. Yet the jail authorities did not allow them to meet her,” he added. Rizvi said, “According to the jail code, relatives can meet an inmate once in every seven days, but the jail administration allows once in every 15 days. In fact the jail officials do not respect jail code and other laws.” He said. they are truly worried at their chairpersons’ physical health condition, On February 8, Khaleda Zia was sent to jail after a special court sentenced her to five years’ rigorous imprisonment in the Zia Orphanage Trust graft case.