Rein in violence at the roots

TWO separate incidents in two different places over the past two days invariably suggest a culture of lawlessness is hitting at the root of Bangladeshi society with the ominous sign of rapid breaking of law and order. According to media report an Ansar member was killed and nine others, including an Executive Magistrate received injuries when drug peddlers attacked the mobile court at a place in Fulgazi Upazila of Feni district on Wednesday night. The Ansar man died on the spot while others were injured on attack by sharp weapons.
The criminals also reportedly abducted a police informant, and took away the firearms of the dead Ansar member. It seems that members of the law enforcing team did not take proper preparation before going to this operation. Their strength was not enough to repulse the attack of drug peddlers. Meanwhile attack on a guard of a catholic church at Chatmohor in Pabna on Friday just shows that criminals are at large everywhere threatening social peace.
In the other incident police arrested two Union Parishad members on Thursday for tying two teenage school boys to a tree and brutalized them at a Durgapur Upazila village in Rajshahi district. They allegedly slapped, kicked and clubbed the boys who are grade 10 students at the local school blaming them for stealing a goat. Torture left the boys traumatized to be admitted to the local health complex for treatment. The UP Chairman who was present at the moment did not intervene and went into hiding now on charge of helping the UP members to commit the crime.
Such reckless incidents of attack are on rise in the country showing how daring the drug peddlers were to mount attack on the mobile court magistrate and his protection team. But it can’t be said unprecedented as an Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) faced similar attack and physical assault sometime ago by a local political leader in the area. Impunity in one case is encouraging assault on another and this is how the situation is slipping out of control of the government in many places. We must say the government should prove its effectiveness in holding drug peddlers and criminal gangs under control before more such incidents will bring threat to social stability and peace.
The incident of torture to two school boys, like similar torture to teenagers at many other places throughout the country showed people are losing sense to behave more like inhuman beings. Allegation of stealing goat and beating the boys are something that was not much heard in the past. But cruelty is spreading and it is strange how the local chairman can allow it to happen.
In fact self-styled law enforcers, like local ruling party men, UP members and chairman are creating more panic and disorder at the grassroots than helping to preserve peace and stability at local level. Criminals are at large at all level. It must stop to keep social peace.