Rehabilitators of war criminals to face trial: PM


UNB, Mohonpur (Chandpur) :
Reiterating her firm commitment to continue the ongoing trial of war criminals, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday said those who had politically rehabilitated the war criminals will be put on trial, too.
“After the killing of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, those who grabbed state power illegally through killing, coup and conspiracy and handed the national flag to the Razakars and Al-Badars must be brought under the trial process one day on Bangladesh soil,” she said.
The Prime Minister was speaking at a mammoth gathering from the deck of
the MV Bangalee, a new passenger vessel which she inaugurated earlier in the day at Mohonpur launch terminal.
Hasina said the trial process of the war criminals will continue and no one will be able to stop that.
In this connection, the Prime Minister urged all to remain united to foil any sort of conspiracy in this regard. “All must forge a strong, solid unity for taking the benefits of independence to the doorstep of people,” she said.
Hasina urged the followers of Mujib’s ideals, including AL and its front organisations, to remain vigilant and united so that no one could thwart the country’s independence, constitution and democracy.
She said, her government has been working relentlessly to bring smile to the faces of the common people by taking various development projects across the country. “We’ll put the nation in a dignified position at the global stage and we’ve been working to that end.”
