World Egg Day observed: Regular egg intake can maintain sound health for all ages

RANGPUR: Department of Livestock Services and BPICC jointly brought out a colourful rally in the town in observance of World Egg Day-2017 yesterday.
RANGPUR: Department of Livestock Services and BPICC jointly brought out a colourful rally in the town in observance of World Egg Day-2017 yesterday.
BSS, Rangpur :
Livestock experts at a post-rally discussion here yesterday called upon the common people for regular consumption of egg to meet protein and nutritional demand in building a healthier nation.
“Consumption of egg ensures balanced food and sound health for the people of all ages,” said Divisional Deputy Director of the Department of Livestock Services (DLS) Agriculturist Mahbub Rahman.
The divisional office of the DLS and Bangladesh Poultry Industry Central Council (BPICC) jointly organised the discussion at Town Hall auditorium here in observance of World Egg Day- 2017 in the city.
Earlier, a huge rally, participated by officials of different government, non-governmental and charitable organisations, physicians, students, teachers, civil society members, professionals and elite, was brought out in the city streets.
With Divisional Director of the DLS Agriculturist Mahbub Rahman in the chair, Divisional Commissioner Kazi Hasan Ahmed attended the discussion as the chief guest.
Rangpur Divisional Director (Health) Dr Mozammel Hossain, President of Rangpur Poultry Industry Owners’ Association Akbar Hossain and poultry farmer Mahmudul Hassan, addressed, among others.
Agriculturist Mahbub Rahman said the flourishing poultry sector might be most effective in attaining sustainable development goals (SDGs) by producing adequate meat and egg to meet protein demand of the people.
“Chicken eggs and meat are being produced in Bangladesh by adopting latest scientific technologies maintaining maximum safety for human health to meet nutritional demand of the growing population,” he said.
Akbar Hossain said a silent revolution has already taken place in the poultry industry in Rangpur region to meet animal protein demand of the people.
The chief guest called upon the common people for regular intake of egg to meet their nutritional demand for normal growth and sound health to build a healthier nation and achieve the SDGs.
BSS from Rajshahi adds: Highlighting salient features of egg and its nutrition values health experts at a post-rally discussion here yestrday said egg is a balanced food to all irrespective of ages and season.
They clarified that regular egg intake is very much important for maintaining sound health. Consumption of egg enhances power and capacity of all major organs of human body and without it he or she faces problem of nutrition deficiency.
Bangladesh Poultry Industry Coordination Committee (BPICC) and Department of Livestock Services (DLS) jointly organized the discussion at Safawang Conference Hall in observance of World Egg Day-2017. “Egg is an essential and complete food. Therefore everyone of any age should eat egg regularly. Lets live a healthy life” was the main theme of the day.
Deputy Commissioner of Rajshahi Helal Mahmud Sharif addressed the discussion as chief guest with Divisional Assistant Director of DLS Dr Mosharraf Hossain in the chair.
District Livestock Officer Nizam Uddin, Deputy Civil Surgeon Dr Enamul Haque, President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industry Md Muniruzzaman, Assistant Director of Artificial Insemination Centre Islmail Hossain local unit general secretary of Bangladesh Poultry Owners Association Enamul Haque also spoke on the occasion.
In his keynote presentation, Professor Shariful Islam of Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences in Rajshahi University narrated the significance of the day and consumption of egg.
Referring to various research findings Dr Shariful Islam said egg is relatively low in calories and saturated fat and rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nutrients, which are good for the eyes, choline, which is needed by nerves and the brain.
“Most of the cholesterol that circulates in our bodies is not from cholesterol in foods, but rather from our liver making cholesterol in response to high intake of saturated and trans fat,” he added.
He said the perception that regular egg consumption leads to heart diseases has been proved incorrect and suggested regular intake of egg, especially by pregnant women and growing children.
However, average egg consumption by a person in Bangladesh is only 70 eggs a year whereas the FAO recommends 104. He said reasons behind low intake are economic status, low production and misconception.
Consumption of egg has no significant link with heart diseases, added livestock scientist and nutritionist Prof Shariful Islam said.
Daily demand for egg in Bangladesh is 1.82 crore, but production is 1.92 crore. Instability of price of egg affects the poultry farmers and this needs to be addressed on an urgent basis.