Refusal to dialogue pushing country to deep crisis : Kamal


Kazi Zahidul Hasan :The country is heading towards a deeper political crisis as BNP-led 20-party alliance locked in a bitter stand-off with the ruling Awami League (AL) to concede to its demand for holding a dialogue over reintroduction of the caretaker government to conduct free, fair and inclusive elections, said political observers.They said AL high-ups, including the party chief and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, ruled out the possibility of having any dialogue and thus forcing the opposition alliance to continue their ongoing countrywide blockade that entered the eighth day on Tuesday, marked by violence and bomb blasts. “No doubt, Bangladesh plunges deeper into crisis as a wide array of political confrontation emerged following denial of a dialogue from the ruling party,” noted jurist Dr Kamal Hossain told The New Nation on Tuesday.He added: Continuous refusal of dialogue from AL pushed the country into further instability posing a threat to safety and security of lives and properties. “The door for a dialogue should always remain open in a democracy. But unfortunately it is absent in our politics. Only a meaningful dialogue can resolve the current impasse,” said the noted jurist.In addition to appealing for a dialogue, Dr Kamal also asked the rival parties to work together to maintain peace and stability in the country. “We are passing our days with immense security threat as violence spread throughout the country. Act of violence in the name of politics isunacceptable. It should stop immediately, otherwise, it would severely tarnish our image abroad,” he said. Commenting on police permission to hold rally, he said the police are out there curbing the basic rights of citizens. Which law says people need police permission to arrange rallies. This authority cannot be given to the police. This is unconstitutional.”  Reiterating the need for a national unity, Dr Kamal said it is needed for the greater development of the country.All the citizens along with the professional groups, students and workers, human rights activists should raise their voice to force the feuding parties to come a consensus over our national issues. They should realise that people seek peace, not violence, Dr Kamal said. “The country is heading for an unprecedented crisis as demand for a dialogue to overcome the current political impasse has faced setback due to continuous rejection by the ruling Awami League,” said Major General (retd) Syed Muhammad Ibrahim, Bir Protik. Worried by continued refusal by the ruling party of any dialogue, he said failure to arrive at a compromise, the country will go from bad to worse and from anarchy to something more evil. General Ibrahim further said, mutual discussion and dialogue can open the doors. To overcome the current deadlock, all the parties, small and big, must put their heads together to find out a solution from the present impasses.
