Reform in teachers recruitment planned

M M Jasim :
The Education Ministry is going to reform the existing system of teachers recruitment at non-government educational institutions across the country. The ministry has already directed its officials to prepare papers in this connection, the Education Ministry sources said.
The Education Ministry has found some irregularities in appointment of
teachers. These are payment of bribe and ministers’ interference, among others.
The ministry has also obtained recommendations from deputy commissioners and teachers in writing.
The Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid on Thursday said that the ministry has taken some initiatives to modify system of appointment of teachers to prevent corruption and interference.
 “Bribe, nepotism and corruption are the factors hindering progress of the country. These factors are also present in the education sector. The candidates give bribe for becoming a teacher of an educational institution. We have received many complaints against a number of people including ministers, who are accused of taking money in the name of giving appointment. That is why the education ministry is thinking of reform,” Nahid said.
The minister was speaking at a workshop titled “Non-government Teachers Appointment” held in the conference room of Bangladesh Bureau of Educational Information & Statistics (BANBEIS) on Thursday.
Nahid said, the Education Ministry has no power to appoint teachers. The managing committees are the authorities to appoint teachers and they get huge money from the candidates, he said.
The minister hoped that the quality of education would be ensured if the ministry becomes appointing authority.
Education Secretary Nazrul Islam Khan said, the candidates manage job giving huge money to the influential men of the locality. But they do not teach the students properly, because they always think of recovering paid money. So quality education is not possible if the system continues. That is why the ministry is thinking of reform, he said.
National University Vice-Chancellor Professor Harun-or-Rashid said it would be difficult to modify the existing system. But it is high time to take the initiative to ensure quality education. Otherwise, the education system will continue to suffer.