Red Crescent volunteers working to fight COVID-19


The volunteers of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society are working day and night to prevent and fight the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) carrying out campaigns and various activities.
The authorities of Bangladesh Red Crescent Society have taken all out measures for ensuring safety and security of its volunteers as well as made all necessary arrangements for those volunteers who are in quarantine, said a press release.
It said different teams of Red Crescent volunteers are spraying disinfectant throughout the country, including the capital, to bolster its drive against COVID-19.
Bangladesh Red Crescent Society informed that it’s volunteers are now spraying germicide liquid through following necessary safety measures while directives are also given to them about their duties and responsibilities during this time through various social media.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society on Monday held a coordination meeting at its conference room to review its operations and future working strategy in the wake of COVID-19 spread.
Chaired by Bangladesh Red Crescent Society Vice-Chairman and IFRC Governing Body Member Dr Md Habibe Millat, MP, it’s Secretary General M Firoz Salahuddin, Deputy Secretary General M Rafiqul Islam and other members were present.
Later, Habibe Millat exchanged views with the countrywide volunteers through Facebook live and gave necessary directives.
As part of its series of operations, the volunteers of Red Crescent Society sprayed disinfectant at Rayerbazar in the capital this afternoon as well as at the office of Directorate General of Health Services.
Later, in the evening and night, the volunteers of Red Crescent Society and Biddanando Foundation will jointly spray disinfectant at eight hospitals in the capital, including Kurmitola General Hospital, Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College and Hospital, Kuwait Moitree Hospital, Dhaka Medical College Hospital, and Sir Salimullah Medical College and Hospital.
