Red Crescent reaches more than 30,000 victims of cyclone Amphan

City Desk :
Almost two weeks after cyclone Amphan wrecked havoc in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Red Crescent teams have already reached to more than 30,000 people, but thousands more are in need of further humanitarian assistance.
Cyclone Amphan made landfall in the coasts of West Bengal, India on May 20, 2020, and then entered Bangladesh with wind speeds of up to 150 kmph, heavy rain and tidal surges that caused huge devastation in 26 districts across the country.
According to a Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) press release, its Secretary General Md. Feroz Salah Uddin said, “Thousands of people now need humanitarian support as they are living in temporary shelters with limited access to food, safe water and toilets after the cyclone has passed. Their livelihoods are also greatly affected and many of them do not know how to get back on their feet.”
The release said more than 350,000 houses have been damaged or destroyed, alongside more than 176,000 hectares of farmland including standing crops, vegetable and fruit, thousands of trees have been uprooted and fish farms worth approximately $ 36 million have been damaged.
Tidal surges caused the collapse of embankments, inundations of salt water causing a scarcity of safe drinking water and putting the lives of thousands at risk of waterborne diseases.
More than 70,000 Bangladesh Red Crescent volunteers, including 55,000 Cyclone Preparedness Programme volunteers, have been on the ground since before the cyclone hit, supporting evacuation efforts and distributing relief items.
Since the extent of the urgent humanitarian needs is becoming clearer, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and Bangladesh Red Crescent Society (BDRCS) have launched an emergency appeal of 5 million Swiss francs ($ 5.1 million dollars) to provide emergency assistance to 50,000 people in Bangladesh severely affected by the cyclone.
IFRC Head of Bangladesh Country Office Azmat Ulla said, “Our early actions have saved many lives before the cyclone and now we are speeding up our response efforts so that these people can have access to basic needs and stay healthy.”
“With this emergency appeal, our aim is not only to provide emergency relief but also to improve the physical, social, environmental and economic conditions to create a more resilient community in an effective and efficient way.” Azmat added.
The funding will support Bangladesh Red Crescent in providing food, safe drinking water, shelter and hygiene items, and cash grants, as well as renovating damaged health clinics to benefit some of the most vulnerable people, including those living in temporary or makeshift shelters. The press release said ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is also making the emergency situation more complex as people who have been displaced by the cyclone have limited access to hand washing and other hygiene facilities, increasing the risk of spreading the virus further.