Recruitment and its consequences in the workplace, how we overcome?

Md. Kadimul Hoque Shafin :
Recruitment is one of the important elements of staffing. What makes it important is that if this initial phase of the staffing procedure goes wrong, it will have an impact on the overall staffing process of the organization.
Mentioned are few consequences that an organization faces for wrong recruitment activities.
Waste of time: As recruitment is a lengthy process with all the steps involved in it, if the recruitment system fails to attract or bring potential candidates to the organization that will be a complete waste of time.
Tips: Managers must be aware of vacancies well ahead of time. So that they can start the recruitment process on time, prepare job descriptions, circulate job advertisements on appropriate platforms to fill upthe vacant position and In case of urgent recruitment, where time might be an issue, managers should utilize that limited time with proper care and intelligence.
Spoiling the organization’s culture: Every organization has their own build culture. Which all the employees accustomed to. Thus, while conducting recruitment activities, it should keep in mind that identification and attraction of only thoselikemindedcandidates who will be able to cope with the organization’s culture is very important. Or else it might create a chaos within the organization in future.
Tips: Try to understand the candidate and his mindset at the very beginning through psychological tests.
Productivity loss:Sometimes when we hire a wrong person and later realize through hispoor performance, we just can’t lay him off directly. Rather training department tries to get him/her back on the track by providing necessary training. Some organization they do not have their own training department especially for those of smaller organization. In that case manager needs to take some of his time out to train that person for a longer period of time. Which causes productivity loss of the manager
Tips: While conducting interview, make sure questions from functional areas (Marketing/Finance/Accounting etc.) are asked to understand the level of qualification and functional expertise that the candidate possesses. Chances are rare that a well-qualified candidate will show poor performance in the actual job. He/she rarely requires managers guideline in every single task.
Loss of organizational reputation:Employees do represent an organization. They deal with different stakeholders like customers, investors, etc. So if they fail to represent it properly, involves conflict with the stakeholders, reputation loss of the organization might quickly be an issue.
Tips: In the interview phase, try to figure out the candidate’s attitude, interpersonal skills, and how he/she reacts to situations.
Spending much time on Referrals: Employee referrals are an exceptionally influential instrument in any recruiter’s belt. But when you rely on referrals too much, qualified candidate might be overlooked in the process.
Tips: Build a referral method into recruitment procedure, and state it into the recruitment policy clearly. Describe issues like what the referee needs to do to refer a candidate? If there is any reward system for every successful recruitment, deadline for providing referrals etc etc. Detailing all these questions helps to build a proper referral system for the organization.
Choosing an over qualified candidate: It is not bad to be over qualified for a position but it’s kind of problematic for a smaller organization to afford them for a longer period of time. Over qualified employees tend to switch more frequently compared to an ordinary employee. This results in increasing employee turnover for the organization.
Tips: Know your companies HR budget. See if they can afford such employees for a longer period of time. If not, do not hire such candidates.
Lack of employee morale: Sometimes, hiring people from outside might create dissatisfaction among employees already working for the organization. They might think they are not being valued by the organization and ignored for the position.
Tips: Sometimes the best candidate is standing right in front of the hiring authority within the organization, they should be considered first. It not just speeds up the recruitment process and increase morale of the employees but it also minimizes the recruitment budget to some extent. HR should look for internal candidates more often to get some advantages like that.
Finally, I would like to state that Recalling the previous recruitment activities and then realizing all the mistakes that happened unintentionally is essential.
This strengthens the recruitment system to some extent. We all make mistakes, but mistakes help us to learn the work correctly. Similar thing happens with the recruitment process as well. Recruiters are human being. It isnt abnormal that they make mistakes, they do and that’s where the learning resides. If the recruiters learn from their previous recruitment mistakes and work accordingly for the next recruitment they will definitely be able to minimize recruitment mistakes.

(Md. Kadimul Hoque Shafin is Asst. HR Manager, Wastechem Group).
