SCBA urges CJ: Recruit judges as per HC directives

Staff Reporter :
Leaders of the Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) on Monday demanded to the Chief Justice to appoint judges in both the divisions of the Supreme Court according to the guideline of the judgement delivered by the High Court on April 13 in 2017 if the recruiting policy formulation takes time.
They also said, they heard that some new
judges would be recruited in both the divisions of the Supreme Court without formulation of the recruiting policy. We want some new judges. But it should be according to the Article 95 of the Constitution.
The SCBA leaders said this at a press conference arranged in the Supreme Court Bar Auditorium. Bar President Advocate Zainul Abedin read out a written statement in the conference. Bar Secretary Barrister A M Mahbub Uddin Khokan and other leaders were present, among others, on the occasion.
 “The Supreme Court can conduct its judicial activities properly by appointing only efficient, talent and qualified judges. Judicial activities will be conducted here beyond political biases. Judges will be recruited and sworn in according to the Constitution. The SCBA and the people of the country hope so,” the statement said.
It also said, “That is why, we are urging the Chief Justice and the government to appoint judges according to the guideline of the judgement delivered by the High Court if the recruiting policy formulation takes time. Otherwise, the lawyers’ society and the people of the country will not accept it.”
Bar Secretary Mahbub Uddin Khokan urged the Chief Justice not to fall into the trap of the government. “Events like Justice Surendra Kumar Sinha will not happen again in the country. So, do not be afraid,” he said.
In reply to a query, the bar secretary said formulating a policy is not a subject to time, the government’s goodwill is needed for this. We don’t want that the Supreme Court will be a rehabilitation place for the party workers, he added.