Record 1.455m kg tea produced in Panchagarh

BSS, Rangpur :
The sub-Himalayan district of Panchagarh has ushered in a new hope for the nation through producing 1.455 million kilogram (kg) tea last year, 27.48 percent higher than the production in the previous year.
Commercial cultivation of tea has been increasing every year in country’s third Panchagarh Tea Zone on ‘small-scale gardening basis’ since beginning of its cultivation launched there from 2000 by the then Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
According to Bangladesh Tea Board (BTB) sources, a record quantity of 1.4551 million kg tea has been produced in 2013 against 1.141475 million kg produced in 2012 in Panchagarh.
Earlier, 1.0415 million kg tea was produced in 2011 and 880,452 kg in 2010 and 658,724 kg in 2009 and 537,324 kg in 2008 and 391,237 kg in 2007 and 282,721 kg in 2006 and 161,226 kg in 2005 in Panchagarh.
Tea Development Officer of BTB Amir Hossain said the average tea production increased by over 100,000 kg annually in Panchagarh since its commercial cultivation began from 2005 after then Prime Minister launched its farming Sheikh Hasina in 2000.
Following faster expansion of commercial tea cultivation, its production was largely increased by 313,625 kg in 2013 than 2012 and the production might be increased further by 400,000 kg this year than in 2013, he added.
According to BTB sources, the produced high quality 1.455 million kilogram tea of Panchagarh was sold in Chittagong auction market at about Taka 300 million in 2013 with selling rates between Taka 175 and 225 per kg.
Tea in now being cultivated on 3,110 acres land including 866 acres of 405 small-scale farmers, 163 acres of 15 medium-scale farmers and 2,081 acres of 21 bigger tea estates in Panchagarh.
The farmers are expected to bring more 500 acres land under tea cultivation in Panchagarh this year after they increased its cultivation area by 150 acres in previous 2012 year, the sources said.
President of Panchagarh Chamber Iqbal Kaiser Mintu said the growing tea sector has been improving the local socioeconomic through creating employment for over 10,000 people including over 7,000 distressed and unemployed women.
“Commercial tea cultivation on ‘small-scale gardening basis’ has got stronger footage in Panchagarh as the small, marginal and medium farmers are earning better profits through selling green tealeaves to the tea processing factories,” he added.
Tentulia Upazila Chairman Muktarul Haque Muku told BSS that the concept of tea cultivation on ‘small-scale gardening basis’ largely attracts the small, medium and marginal farmers to boost agro-economy of Panchagarh.
Now, Tentulia Tea Company Ltd (TTCL), Kazi & Kazi Tea Factory (KKTF), Kartoa Tea Associate Ltd (KTAL), Green Care Agro Limited (GCAL), Green Energy Tea Factory (GETF) and North Bengal Tea Factory (NBTF) are processing tea in Panchagarh.
The farmers are now selling their produced tea leaves at Taka 26.50 per kg, including carrying costs, to these processing factories.
Project Director of KTAL Shah Alam Bhuiyan, Chief Operating Officer of KKTE Shoyeb Ahmmed and Manager of TTCL Mizanur Rahman said the happy growers are getting the best quality tea leaves from their 3 to 4 year-old plants.
Manager of NBTF Zahid Hossain and Director of GETF Mobarak Ali predicted brighter prospect for further expansion of tea cultivation in Panchagarh and other adjoining areas of Thakurgaon, Nilphamari, Lalmonirhat and Dinajpur districts.