Reconstitute EC, ACC with neutral persons: Oli

UNB, Dhaka :
Criticising the current role of the Election Commission (EC) and Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), President of Liberal Democratic Party Oli Ahmed on Saturday demanded their reconstitution with neutral persons.
“The Election Commission has become a rehabilitation centre of jobless and elderly people while the Anti-Corruption Commission has turned into a rehabilitation centre

of the ruling party people,” he said. Oli came up with the remarks while speaking at a discussion at the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh, marking the 13th founding anniversary of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).
He alleged that the government has carried out the drive against drug, casinos, extortion, and tender manipulation only to save the ‘big corrupt’ elements and divert people’s attention to a different direction.
The LDP president said different newspapers ran reports against the ministers and MPs who amassed wealth illegally, but no action has so far been taken against them.
He said a peaceful protest is necessary against the government as a ‘hell-like’ situation has been created in the country. “Peace won’t be restored in the country if we sit idly at home. We must come out of home in groups and take to the streets at the right time. Let’s get united and save the country.”
Oli is confident that a reelection will be held in the country to form a pro-people government comprising sincere and patriotic people.
Speaking at a the programme, LPD secretary general Redwan Ahmed came down hard on BNP leaders for what he said their failure to wage a movement to free their party chairperson Khaleda Zia from jail.
He also alleged that the BNP leaders are not taking to the streets demanding Khaleda’s release as they have an understanding with the government. “People won’t remember you with respect in the future for the role you’re now playing.”
Had LDP had the strength like BNP, Redwan said, it would have heat up the streets and free Khaleda and ‘restore’ democracy in the country.
Assessing the overall situation, he said their party chief Oli Ahmed formed Jatiya Mukti Mancha along with other parties, including many components of the 20-party alliance, to free the nation from ‘misrule’ and restore people’s rights.
