Recognition of Bangabandhu’s 7th March speech celebrated

Chittagong Bureau :
 A colourful jubilant rally was brought out in the campus of Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Science University yesterday morning marking the recognition of the Historical 7t h March speech of the father of the nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman by the Memory of the World International of UNESCO as a historical document. Vice chancellor of CVASU Prof Dr Goutam Buddha Das led jubilant rally at 10 am.The rally begins from the university campus which terminated at Bangabandhu’s Mural square through parading Zakir Hossain road.
 Large numbers of teachers, students, officials spontaneously participated the rally. . VC addressed the participants at Bangabandhu’s Mural square after termination of the rally . After end of the VC’s address , Prof.Dr.Goutam Buddha Das pays rich tributes to Bangabandhu and placed wreaths at the sculpture of Bangabandhu (Mural), CVASU sources said.