Recitation program ‘Pongtimalay Muktijuddher Itihash’ at BRACU

Campus Report :
It is often said, freedom is easy to achieve, hard to preserve. Well, this generation is certainly drowning in this fact. Our long cherished victory is being tormented by the whip of ignorance ever and anon. Another victory day is coming ahead; therefore, to uphold the dignity of this day and to keep pace with the knowledge-bucket, BRAC University has joined in a panel discussion at Liberation Museum on Tuesday.
To adjoin the voice with the discussion of “Liberation War and Our Responsibility”, Akash Ahmed, Nazmu Shahadat Siddique and Saima Ahmed took part in the program as a representative of BRAC University. Individually they have delineated the picture of today’s generation’s position on the matter of Liberation war and history. Akash Ahmed, a microbiology student has mentioned, “We have achieved liberty within just 9 months which is the shortest period for liberation in the world history. Supposedly, this era was to be the golden era of politics and nationwide development. Yet everything is going backward-eventually, giving rise to an I-hate-politics generation. Why so? Because this generation doesn’t know the true value of history, thus, the connection between patriotism and politics is not conjoined. Only an authentic essence of liberation war can build the bridge.”
On a different note, Saima Ahmed annotated about the critical situation of religious intolerance going in the whole country. As an example, she picked the Ramu incident of few years’ back or the Durga sculpture breaking of this year.
Therefore, she believes, this generation is forfeiting the very essence of liberation – putting the country on a point of developmental imbalance. In addition to that, another significant speaker, Nazmu Shahadat Siddique focused on our current duty to resolve the problem.