Reboot your system instantly with these detox foods this festive season

It is important to cleanse your system and if you want tips to de-bloat and detox, here are a few foods that will do the work for you

Weekend Plus Desk :
ith Christmas and New Year around the corner, what lies ahead of us, apart from fun times with friends and family, is a lavish spread of delicious foods and drinks. While it is something that we all enjoy, it also has its downside. Most of us wake up bloated after a night of bingeing and it might take a toll on your body.
It is important to cleanse your system and if you want tips to de-bloat and detox, from lemon and green tea to tomatoes, here are a few foods that will do the work for you.
Turmeric is easily available in our kitchens and comes in handy when you want an instant detox. Curcumin, a compound derived from the bright-orange spice, works as a powerful anti-inflammatory and is good for liver health.
Just bring a cup of water to boil and add a spoonful of pounded ginger in it. Sip on it and get rid of bloating instantly.
A glass of warm lemon water early in the morning is the best way to rid your body of toxins. The acidic property of lemon helps in regulating the balance of pH in the stomach and makes digestion easier.
Green Tea
A cup of green tea after a heavy, greasy meal can almost bring immediate relief to the uneasiness one feels after overeating. Since green tea is rich in antioxidants, it helps in flushing toxins from the liver.
Tomato is a versatile food that can be added to soups, stews, sauces, omelets, or salads and can keep bloating at bay. Being rich in antioxidants, if you want to detox instantly, look no further than a serving of tomato soup or juice or just plain tomatoes tossed with salt and olive oil.
What are you going to pick for an instant detox?