Rear Admiral M Khaled Iqbal (retd), Vice-Chancellor of BSMRMU delivers welcome address at a webinar on “Geomorphological Features of the Bangladesh Delta: Challenges for Efficient Water Management” organized by BSMRMU in partnership with NUFFIC, Netherlands.

Rear Admiral M Khaled Iqbal (retd), Vice-Chancellor of BSMRMU delivers welcome address at a webinar on "Geomorphological Features of the Bangladesh Delta: Challenges for Efficient Water Management" organized by BSMRMU in partnership with NUFFIC, Netherl
Rear Admiral M Khaled Iqbal (retd), Vice-Chancellor of BSMRMU delivers welcome address at a webinar on "Geomorphological Features of the Bangladesh Delta: Challenges for Efficient Water Management" organized by BSMRMU in partnership with NUFFIC, Netherl