Realistic goals for the New Year

Md Altaf Hussain :
Turn impossible dreams into a well-planned reality this New Year. Improve your New Year’s Resolutions with SMART goals!
The New Year brings with it high expectations of what we should be giving up or taking up. This pressure often leads to unrealistic ideals of what we should and shouldn’t be doing, triggering anxieties and negative thinking to make us feel guilty.
The old ‘New Year, New You’ somewhat suggests that there was something wrong with the ‘old you’ and that the New Year will overcome this.
Make mindful decisions
Using the Street Wisdom approach, slow down, step back and see your decision from another perspective. Give yourself the time to consider different options to focus on – it’s likely you’ll be surprised at what else comes up for you. Tap into the wisdom of your surroundings to help in deciding what you want to do and why. If it’s an important decision, give it the time it deserves.
Reflect and adapt
Whatever is you are looking to start (or stop), be clear that it’s not going to happen overnight. It’s important to be realistic and reflect on where you’re at. What matters is that you’re cultivating awareness, rather than expecting an overnight transformation. What better way to reflect than going out for a wander, even just a ten minute lunch break walk will give you the headspace you need for a clear, fresh outlook on your progress.
Try something new every day
This doesn’t mean you have to jump into a new hobby every day. Something new can be something little. Never hang up your coat? Hang it up! Always sit with the same people at lunch? Sit with someone new. Even making the smallest changes can lead to amazing new experiences and help you learn new things.
Set goals
Many of us will make resolutions and set goals for the New Year. We may want to start a new business, take a new job, save our money for a new home, get married and much more. In January, some of us will start pursuing these endeavors with hope and a positive outlook. But what happens when life throws us a curveball and something we never expected happens? The economy may change, jobs are lost, business profits dramatically decrease or an important relationship flounders. For my lunch friend, plowing through each of these crises is doable and he is able stay positive and focused. But for many of us the unexpected is extremely painful. When we don’t see the results that we hoped for we become overwhelmed with worry and get stressed those things won’t work out or will get even worse. We simply cannot hold on to a positive outlook in the face of an uncertain future. Because of this, some of us will give up our dreams too soon or we will endure tremendous stress and worry.
Stop negative thoughts
Stop your next negative thought (and all the rest of them, too). Mattinson insists that negative thinking and complaining are habitual behaviors and that habits can always be changed.
First, set the intention in yourself that you want to stop all negative thinking, and hold yourself to this new standard, no matter what. Any time you think a negative thought, or open your mouth to complain, visualise a huge sign in your brain that says ‘NEXT’ and move on. The more you practice this technique, the easier it will be to nix negativity and all subsequent damaging thoughts and actions.
Be thankful
Practice gratitude by praying or meditating and sending positive, loving energy. When you find yourself in a negative situation, don’t despair and don’t default to complaining. Instead, ask that the situation or circumstance you are experiencing be blessed and for it to be for the good of the whole.
Ask for patience and joy. Ask to be put into a state of reverence and playfulness about the situation. Ask for the grace of happiness.
Be thankful and grateful when that state is given to you. It will be, possibly even many times a day if needed. Give love to others, because giving is often the quickest way to creating positive thoughts and life for everyone. So when in doubt, start there.
The ability to clear your mind. To not think about your business, spouse (lack of one), kids, parents, whatever. When you realise how often things creep into your mind when you’re trying to focus, you realise how often you truly aren’t focused.
In meetings when you should be lasered in, and you’re not. It starts with meditation. My advice is start short and free. Two apps that are good are Calm and Headspace. Make sure to turn your ringer off and spend three minutes with guided mediation. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon when you lose focus again.
