Real need for remedying public suffering is to go after thieves and thugs of government


Media report said the Left Democratic Alliance (LDA) has called a strike for March 28 to protest the soaring prices of edible oil and other essential commodities. The strike will be observed from 8am to 12 noon, Saiful Haque, coordinator of the LDA, said at a media briefing at the capital’s Purana Paltan on Friday. Meanwhile, they will hold rallies, processions, demonstrations and distribute leaflets across the country to garner greater support of people to make the strike programme effective.

Any effort to reduce public suffering is welcome. But the mistake is the politics of public meetings, and brave speeches against isolated cause of public suffering will have no effect. We have to go to the root of the matter.

Price increase of food items is certainly causing miseries to the general people. There are many other causes for public suffering.

We have to accept the fact that the present government could not care about the welfare of the people as it does not need the people’s vote. This government depends on police and others who are supposed to be public servants and serve the people. But our public servants are easily used against the people to make them helpless. The government has done everything to keep public servants most happy. They are the most sought after people to the government.


The public life is not miserable just for soaring prices. They are in miseries for not getting justice anywhere against thieves and thugs patronised by the government. The people have no right but public exploitation has all the freedom. They fear the public servants.

 The people know who the looters of public money and the people must mobilise themselves against thieves and thugs to secure a people’s government. The thieves and thugs are the power behind the government.

 We have no politics and no political leadership. Most of them are sharing corruption with the government. Non-political leaders attracted businessmen and greedy ones in politics and destroyed politics and political leadership. The people must take their fate in their own hands.
