Ready for two-front war with China, Pakistan: IAF chief

Chief of Air Staff Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa on Thursday said that Indian Air Force has the capability of locating and striking nuclear and other targets in Pakistan.
The comments by the chief of the Indian Air Force came when asked at a news conference about global concerns over the safety of Pakistan’s tactical nuclear weapons and whether IAF would be able

to disarm Islamabad of its nuclear assets if necessary.
“We have a draft nuclear doctrine. It is answered in that-what happens when the enemy decides to use nuclear weapons on us. As far as IAF is concerned, it has the ability to locate, fix and strike and that is not only for tactical nuclear weapons but for other targets across the border (as well),” he said.
Dhanoa said that the IAF has the capability to carry out “full spectrum” of offensive at a “short notice” to thwart any security challenge facing the country.
“The IAF is prepared to fight at short notice in full synergy with other two sister services should the need arises. IAF has the capability of sustaining operational preparedness for a prolonged period,” he said, referring to overall threat perception facing the country.
Last month, Pakistan Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi had said his country has developed short-range nuclear weapons to counter the ‘Cold Start’ doctrine of the Indian Army.
