Readers’ Voice


Destiny & Creative Power
In the Holy Quran, we read: Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change their own state (13/11). According to verse 53/43 of the Quran, “And that He makes (men) to laugh and makes (them) to weep”. In 54/49 Allah says, “Surely I have created everything according to measure”.
Sura Raad has been revealed after Sura Najm and Sura Qamar, meaning that Verse No. 13/11 is the final.
Allah created ‘Pen’ at first and said: Write. The Pen said: What shall I write? Allah said” Write what has happened from time immemorial and what will continue to happen. (Ref: Hadith-e-Qudsi, Hadith No. 37).
We know that gold falls not from the sky. If we want to get it, we have to work hard. It is not enough. Someone becomes successful and the others fail. Hazrat Ali (Ra) said that belief in destiny closing hands works against human’s creative power.

Ameer Hamzah
