Readers’ Voice


Not War But Peace

Joe Biden has become 46th President of the USA, we congratulate him whole heartedly. He seems a person of great wisdom, kindness, level headed and compassionate. He suffered tragedy in his personal life, so I think he will be sympathetic to other people’s woes.
According to former US President Jimmy Carter, over its entire 242-history, the United States has enjoyed 16 years of peace. The former President said this makes the US “The most war like nation in the world”.
To date the US has wrecked 37 sovereign nations, we can only gasp with horror and disbelief!
We are looking forward with hope that President Joe Biden will be different, he will bring change in the world and his motto will be ‘Peace not war’. I hope that from now on there will be no conflict in the world.

Nur Jahan


Prescription Writing

Despite the court and government directives, the unclear writing of doctors on patient prescriptions has not stopped. Drug dealers often make the mistake of trying to sell the right medicine because of the short name of the medicine. The patient has to suffer the negative consequences. In January 2017, the High Court directed to write the name of the drug clearly in the patient’s prescription. The government also instructed the doctors to be aware of the matter as per the directions of the court. But still in most cases the prescription of patients is unclear. Even highly educated people find it difficult to understand the real name of medicine.
Just as patients are not able to identify the right medicine due to unclear prescriptions, some opportunistic drug dealers are getting the opportunity to sell low quality medicines at higher prices. In this way, the concerned patient has to face physical loss as well as financial loss. Most of the drug store owners or salesmen the marginal areas are poorly educated. Prescriptions with obscure writing or short names of medicines are beyond their comprehension. As a result, they are more likely to increase patient damage.
In recent times, many physicians are providing printed prescriptions. The handwriting of the doctors is often blurred due to seeing many patients in one sitting. However, to ensure the financial and physical protection of patients, the name of the drug needs to be written clearly and in capital letters. The kind attention of doctors of all levels of the country is expected on the above matter.

Abu Faruk
Banarupa Para
Sadar, Bandarban
