Readers’ Voice


Sagar-Runi killers still at large!

February 11, 2012 is the day when Sagar Sarwar and Mehrun Runi, two very promising journalists were brutally murdered in their apartment, leaving their son Megh an orphan. The whole country was numb with shock and disbelief, the incident was so macabre.
Since then, almost ten years have passed, the murderers are still at large as law-enforcing agents could not make any headway about the happening. It is very surprising and unacceptable because they are capable and we have seen many times how swiftly they are able to arrest the criminals who are guilty of different felonies.
But why are they failing in the Sagar-Runi case? Is it destined that the case will remain shrouded in mystery forever? What could be the reason behind it? The journalists society must not give up their quest for the truth to be revealed and the common people are with them in their endeavour to bring the killers to justice. They must not rest until the goal is achieved.
Nur Jahan

First images from NASA


Our galaxy is so vast with a lot of mysterious objects within it – it is very difficult to find those and tackle their mysteries, but astronomists, scientists and cosmologists are working day and night to find what exactly is our universe and all that is in it.
A black hole is a cosmic body of extremely intense gravity from which nothing, not even light, can escape. A black hole can be formed by the death of a massive star. When such a star has exhausted the internal thermonuclear fuels in its core at the end of its life, the core becomes unstable and gravitationally collapses inward upon itself, and the star’s outer layers are blown away
Albert Einstein, first predicted the existence of black holes in 1916, with his general theory of relativity, but he himself also doubted its existence. Later, an English Cosmologist tried to explain the existence of the black hole and presented his theory: “The Hawking Radiation.”
Now it is time for astronomers to capture the picture of the black hole – present in the centre of our galaxy, but it is not an easy task for them. The astronomers combined eighty telescopes on four continents to create a perfect image.
In fact, the 2022 Nobel Prize was shared between Andrea Ghez and Reinhard Genzel for the observation that showed the existence of a supermassive black hole. These eighty telescopes received plane waves from this black hole at different times and angles.

Israr Luqman
From Internet
