Readers’ Voice


Ethics based-justice

French Philosopher Machiavelli in his book ‘La Republic’ writes, “End justifies the means”. The theory promotes unfairmeans and use of might instead of justice. He said, man is ungrateful, hasty, liar, coward and greedy. The critics of Machiavelli said, man’s evil instinct can be arrested by amelioration of ethics and morality. Political thinkers preach that justice is primarily a concept of morality. In short it is an ethical perception.
The Marxists view of justice is that its origin lies in the area of economics. On the other hand, political justice implies he establishment of fully democratic institutions. Therefore, the legislature should be elected on the basis of adult franchise and the executive should be responsible to the legislature, while an independent judiciary should be established and there should be rule of law, freedom of thought, speech, expression and press.
Islami conception of justice is that doer of good should be rewarded while doer of evil should be punished. Islami thinkers say that legislature can make law, but not such law as promotes indecency, evil and rebellion. The second Caliph of Islam Hazrat Omar (RA) said, none can be arrested without sufficient reasons, nor an accused can be subjected to physical torture for confession without court’s permission.
We think if the political leaders and the thinkers work to promote ethics and morality which are basis of justice, peace and happiness can prevail. Will they think over it?

Hasan Mahmud


Wrong-doers must
be punished

Man commits crime, thinking that everything will be finished with death, or God will forgive his faults as propagated by a section of religious scholars, and the party in power will be a vanguard before death. The conception is clearly wrong and misled.
Philosophers Manu and Chanakya maintain that punishment is the basis of the State. Where there is no punishment, thieves and dacoits rule the supreme. It implies upon the State to punish the wrongdoers. But if it awards punishment heavier than a criminal deserves, it is wrong. Again, if lighter punishment is inflicted than what the offender warrants, it is also immoral and punishable offence. It means there is no justice in the State.
Therefore, the government must be careful of making law, dealing with the criminals and maintaining justice in the society. There should be shown no discrimination between own man and the other man. God will deal severely with the wrong doers, and no mercy shall be shown.

Ameer Hamzah
