Readers’ Voice


Restore edu-friendly environment
Armed clashes among students, armed cadres’ attacks on students’ peaceful demonstrations, and casualties do not surprise us nowadays. Researches have assigned several reasons. These are loss of ethics and morality, admission trading, forced share in the contractors’ profits, free access to dinning halls and political parties’ affiliation.
In the sixties, the leaders of students’ organisations helped the admission seekers into colleges and universities not for monetary benefit, but for the sake of education. While doing it, they were very careful about protecting friendly environment. The RUCSU and the five halls’ unions’ elections were held in the most peaceful atmosphere. Whichever organisation won the election, the defeated parties never despaired, rather congratulated the winners and took preparation right from that time to improve the following year. There was not a single example of unpleasant incident over the election at Rajshahi University between 1966 and 1970.
Although three unarmed clashes took place among the students on three occasions for petite matters, there was no casualty at all. The university proctor and teachers were strong enough to tackle the students.
 May I today take the opportunity of the great sacrifice of Dr. Shansuzzoha, Proctor and Reader of the Chemistry Department, for the cause of the students and the people of erstwhile East Pakistan? We respected him very much. We were for every teacher. They too loved us. We respected the senior students and they helped us with notes and advice. Games and sports kept us united, but there was no allegation of corruption. May we not return to those days in the greater interest of the students of Bangladesh.

M. Rabbani

Interest conflict between China-US over Pacific


China is the world’s second largest economy and its nuclear warheads can strike the US mainland over the Pacific Ocean. Chinese air force sent its fighter planes into the defence zone and warned the world that the intruders would henceforth face China’s defensive emergency measures. To this, when the military experts were fearing an limited war between Chinaand the USA, Japan and South Korea.
If Beijing lands its troops in the disputed island claimed by both Japan and China and what would be the Chinese reaction to the possible US military base in the Bay of Bengal?

