Readers’ Voice


Prevent Campus Bullying

Almostevery school in our country is proudly boasting about having the best facilities for their students. But in utter despair, those facilities don’t seem to cover prevention of bullying. In fact, it’s the schools’ duty to look after their students’ well-being- both physical and mental.
Very often, victims of bullying are too intimidated to share their feelings. Therefore, schools should carefully handle these matters. Every studentshould be treated equally and teachers must be mindful of any kind of alien behaviour observed in the classrooms. Measures should be taken against any kind of bullies.

Fatima Sadri


Get the Prices under Control

A rise in the prices of essential food items has reached the highest by this time. Greedy traders have now the excuse of a war in Europe on their side, even in cases of non-imported goods. But will our authorities simply accept this hike in prices as the norm?
Especially when the job market is still recovering from the effects of pandemic-induced lockdowns, do citizens not deserve some empathy? Instead, the price hike for food only seems to be getting worse. This cannot be acceptable and authorities must stamp down on traders who are merely taking advantage of the situation.

Sayem Ahmed
