Readers’ Voice


Control Market Manipulation

The abnormal surge in commodity prices ahead of Ramzan has made public life unbearable. The price of edible oil has climbed at the peak last week. The abnormal increase in commodity price must be stopped as soon as possible. It needs the quick intervention by the government and related ones to stop the evil cycle of price hike.
The unscrupulous traders, syndicates as well middlemen, who don’t give up a single opportunity to make profit even during the national crisis moment, must be taken under punishment. It is the urge of time to stop the cycle of syndication and hoarding.

Sadia Afrin Kumu


Cyber Security Business

 Cyber crime has become a serious concern in our day since people’s personal lives and professional operations are increasingly performed online. In such circumstances, cyber security is the only method to secure our resources now and in the future.
It is difficult to predict cyber threats since cyber criminals will attack and harm digital assets regardless of when or where they target. For example, the number of ransom ware hacks globally grew by around 25% between 2018 and 2019. Cyber security engineers are being motivated to design new software in order to fix this worldwide problem. As a result, the worldwide market value of cyber security is expected to reach $42.42 billion by 2020.
Bangladesh might be the market leader in cyber security. Bangladesh is ranked 53rd on the Global Cyber Security Index 2020, according to a UN study. Bangladesh received 81.27 points out of a possible 100 points in the ranking, according to the statistics. If the government makes use of the large number of CSE and IT graduates that graduate in Bangladesh each year, and if the government provides strong incentives to the private sector, Bangladesh will be able to bring in a large amount of money from this sector.
Abid Hossain Auikya
NSU Student
