Readers’ Voice


Homeopathic treatment of cancer
Cancer is one of the most incurable diseases in human life. However, if one follows the religious rules, he/she can stay safe from this deadly disease. If the treatment of this disease cannot be provided at initial stage, there may be danger. This disease can turn into a complex and difficult shape.
Homeopathic remedies are used to remove cancerous tissues from the part of the body where the cancer has been detected. With the advancement of medical science in the 21st century world, homeopathic medicine has also made great strides. The quality of homeopathic medicine has improved. Homeopathic remedies can be effective if diagnosed with the right medicine. The hope is that homeopathic remedies are effective in most cancers if detected early.
Dr. Muhammad Mahtab Hossain Mazed
Founder, Jato Rogi Kallan Society

Student-teacher relationship
The educational institution is said to be the second home of the students and the place of the teachers after the parents. Therefore, student-teacher relationship contains deep respect, affection, love and rule. A true teacher is a master craftsman who provides the light of knowledge to his students.
But now there seems to be a rift between the relation of students and the teachers. Due to the current education system, this great profession like teaching is being confined within the institutional boundaries. Most teachers see teaching as a job. It is now their official responsibility.
However, still today, it is believed that teachers are not just teachers but guides. Without teachers, overall development of a nation is never possible. So teachers need to be aware of their responsibilities.
Sk Shahrier Hossain
Student, Department of Social Work
Jagannath University
