Readers’ Voice


Safe water and sanitation
Access to safe water and sanitation is a basic human right and one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nation’s agenda for 2030. Yet, WASA has been accused of supplying unsafe water to our homes time and time again-and we are yet to see improvements. In a congested city like Dhaka, this lack of supply of safe water hampers our standards of living. I urge the authorities to provide safe water to the homes all around Dhaka. This is especially needed now, at a time when health is of utmost importance.

Md Saeed Hasan
Dhaka University


Prevent Child Marriage
Bangladesh has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the world. Studies have shown that the more a girl is educated, the lower the chances of her being married off at an early age. To end child marriage, the government should focus more on educating our girls, so they can raise their voices against this social evil.

Ummey Amena Poly
Feni Govt College
