Readers’ Voice



The Taliban militias failed to form the government in Afghanistan although 10 days had passed since the day of Kabul takeover. It signals that the militia leaders have not studied the Prophet Muhammad (Sm)’s life and the Quran. They should know that the Prophet immediately after arrival in Medina, consulted with the Christians, the Jews and the idolaters and presented a Constitution to administer the new territory of the Republic of Medina. It has 47 clauses and sub-clauses, crowning the Prophet as the chief Executive and Chief of Judiciary.
In history, this Constitution is recognized as the first written Constitution in the world, otherwise known as the Charter of Medina. It patronizes the human rights as well as the religious rights of every community. We think had the Taliban militia leaders read the Charter of Medina; they would have been able to form the government in Kabul by this time. In this regard, I like to refer to a Hadith of the Prophet in this regard.
The Prophet appointed Hazrat Muaz bin Jabal (Ra) the Governor of Yemen. On the day of his departure, the Prophet asked him as to how would he administer? Muaz said: I shall take lessons from the Quran. The Prophet again said: If though find no example therein? Muaz said: I shall study your Hadith. The Prophet once again asked: If thou get no lesson there too? Muaz said: I shall exercise my wisdom.
Wisdom is possible if we read and study.

Ameer Hamzah


Destroy Market Manipulation

Amid corona pandemic, prices of essential commodities like onion, rice, pulses, oil etc. have been increased creating an artificial crisis in the market. Previously stocked products are also sold at higher prices. Low quality products have been also sold at high prices saying shortage of products in the market. Consequently, middle class and lower class people suffer the most.
However, making such unethical extra profit is not new in Bangladesh. But it is possible to control the price of goods in the local market if the market syndication can be eliminated. The government should take stern action against the traders involved in illegal manipulation.

Tehrin Tameeha Farrukh
