Readers’ Voice


Justice Vs Feudalism

The real reasons of split in the Caliphate are both political and economic. The Prophet Muhammad (Sm) did not directly nominate any one as the Caliph of Islam to administer after his death. But he left sign as to who would be the head of the Caliphate.
During the Tabuk expedition in 632 A.D., the Prophet nominated Hazrat Ali (Ra) administrator of Medina and himself led a vast army towards Syria. But Ali could not be happy. He asked the Prophet the reason of his decision.
The Prophet said: You are in such a position with me, as was Haroun with Moses. But after me there will be no prophet.
We come to know from the Quran that Hazrat Moses and Hazrat Haroun were blood brothers. When Allah made Moses prophet of the Bani Israel, he requested Allah to give him his brother Haroun as aide. Allah granted the petition. Hazrat Ali was the Prophet’s cousin as well as son-in-law.
But Ali could not be the Caliph after the Prophet’s death, which caused division among the Muslims.
The economic reason was feudalism planted by Hazrat Uthman (Ra)’s prime aide Marwan bin Hakam. A section of the people close to Marwan began to accumulate wealth and thereby made the majority people poor. At this, Abu Dhar Giffary (Ra), one of the most trusted lieutenants of the Prophet, called for social revolution against feudalism and accumulation of wealth in the hands of few. He demanded equal distribution of wealth.
Allah says: Say (O Muhammad): O my people! Work according to your ability. (Ref: Sura An am, V-135).
And establish weight with justice and make not the balance deficient. ( Ref: Sura Ar Rahman, V-9.).
These are the principles of Islami economy,
Imam Hussain was the symbol of justice and token of the people’s government, while Marwan bin Hakam, Muawiyah and his son Yazid were the representatives of monarchy and feudalism.
Ameer Hamzah

Teachers’ Dignity


Teachers are indisputably considered as the maker of a nation. To make a nation move forward and progress, teachers’ role is inevitable that can not be ignored. Only they can show the right track and lead the nation towards its aim. They are special in establishing justice and good governance. A responsible teacher conveys to the nation all the issues of truth and falsehood, virtues and vices, interests and developments of the country. So, they must be given a worthy position which they deserve.
On the other hand, teachers have also some unavoidable responsibilities and liabilities to the nation. They should be more sincere and enthusiastic in giving proper education and bringing the light of awakening to the students as well as to the nation. Thus, their contributions can’t be forgotten.

Naeem Ariyan
Dept of English, CU
