Readers’ Voice


Excess Trans-Fat In Processed Food
Trans-fat is a type of fat which contains certain chemical properties and is usually found in manufactured food in industry such as baked food, pastry and snacks, fried food, shortening, margarine and certain vegetable oils. In this context many studies have exposed significant negative health hazards of taking additional trans-fat. Eating trans-fat promotes blood cholesterol level, diabetes and cancer. In addition, it has been pointed that trans-fat in the diets is a key factor of coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease.
A report revealed by the World Health Organization shows that approximately six lac people across the globe die from coronary heart disease. As a part of global concern, WHO has strongly recommended for its 11 member countries to initiate trans-fat regulations, cooperate with policy assistance and formulate necessary law with a view to limiting trans-fat within maximum 2 per cent in the industrially produced food items. Bangladesh is one of those WHO recommended countries.
Industrially produced food free from excess trans-fat should be ensured any how to extend healthy and better living. To address this substantial issue, I sincerely urge the concerned authority for taking necessary steps having no delay.

Wares Ali Khan
