Readers’ Voice


Preventing The Spread Of Dengue
With the onset of monsoon in the midst of the delta outbreak of Covid-19, dengue has become deadly again and a new crisis is posing threats to public life. As dengue is a mosquito-borne virus fever, it can be confronted by preventing the growth of the Aedes mosquito breed.
It is important to remove water-holding objects like- flower tubs, plastic containers, discarded tires, plastic drums, earthenware, buckets, canisters, coconut shells, containers, battery shell from the area around the inside and outside of the home that may cause unnecessary water retention. Household utensils used for eradication of Aedes mosquito eggs should be thoroughly scrubbed and kept clean.
The front of the unused water container should be left upside down.
The use of mosquito nets should be ensured irrespective of day and night during bedtime. If necessary, mosquito repellent/aerosol spary/coil should be applied in the house in the morning and evening.
Coordination between the government agencies responsible for dengue prevention and the initiatives taken at the private level is imperative. Indeed, effective prevention of dengue requires raising public awareness in determining individual and family responsibilities and creating a sense of collective responsibility.

AS Jawad
Rangpur City
